Wednesday, January 21, 2009

the new chris keller.

I don't even know Van Der Beek's character name, and I don't care to. He is the shot in the arm this season needed. He is the Chris Keller of balls-out, hear me roar, come the fuck on, let's do this!!! of Season Six.

His performance last night prompted me to yell, "I WANT TO SWILL CHAMPAGNE AND SMOKE CIGARS WHEREVER I GO."

If someone could create some sort of buddy comedy with just Van Der Beek and Baby Jamie, I would single-handedly make sure that movie won an Oscar.

life just got about 867x better.

I've found an utterly amazing OTH screencap website. I can guarantee you this will make the quality of "That's a Mouthful" so mind-bogglingly fucking awesome, the entire site might just implode out of awesome-itude.

To celebrate, please enjoy the cap of the best moment of this week's episode - Julian's hat.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

We Change, We Wait..... wait for what?!

Hayley's makeup is awful!

Number 23 is an asshole.

Hayley is dressed like a straight up streetwalker!

Nathan is such a good sport.

Is Brookie drunk? Why did she just grab Julian's face?

This director said Lucas lived in a trailer. And he thinks Lucas was in a gang, who's rival killed Keith in a drive by.

Hell yeah, welcome back Dan Scott.

Awww Dan is having a PST flashback. Way to tell that stupid doctor with bad hair Dan.

Special Guest Star: James Van Der Beek!

Dude from Remember the Titans shouldn't be the damn coach.

WHAT. THE. FUCK. IS JULIAN WEARING?! That hat is OUT OF CONTROL. "Am I not pulling it off?" No, Julian, you are NOT pulling anything off. PULL OFF YOUR PANTS!

Awwww poor Julian, he was a super nerd in high school. I bet he was in the AV club.

Peyton is a stupid bitch. Her face is getting fat. Is she preggo in real life?

I hate Peyton. She pretty much broke up with Julian because she was STILL IN LOVE WITH LUCAS. SHE DIDN'T TAKE THE TICKET TO SUNDANCE.

Hayley's outfit is SO unflattering.

Way to go Peyton, ruining a relationship before it even happens.

Why does Jamie always eat ice cream with Dan?

awww, I like Dan.

Fat Coletti and Mia. Ugh. Why is the camera so close?!!!

I can't even write about "so I'm gonna be your first" comment. There is WAY too much Kate Vogel in this show.

Peyton was a bitch even then.

"It is clearly made out of glass."

Why is everybody on this show fat all of the sudden?!
Why is it that nobody ever notices when someone drives their fucking car onto the river court?! Like it's a surprise?!

Why is she still all friendly with Julian's dad?!

Oh snap Peyton. You're a heartless bitch.

an incest movie with sock puppets?! LUCAS COME ON! THAT IS CLEARLY THE RIGHT DIRECTOR.

Baby Jamie! How dare you! Of COURSE your daddy is going to play!

Baby Jamie calling the coach!! WTF Hayley, of course when Peyton comes in, she makes Hayley a horrible mother. Peyton ruins everything.

I love that these small town peoples think they can option the rights to a book and then take it all back.


Of course he calls the driver Argyle. His name is Jason.
"Rent 'Die Hard,' it'll change your life."

MIA IS TOO YOUNG TO DRINK! Why are you bringing her booze?! SHE IS 18!!
This is like two steps from being statutory.

LUCAS, YOU CAN NOT JUST DIRECT A FUCKING FILM. YOU HAVE NEVER DIRECTED A MOVIE. Don't think I don't know where you're going with this rant, and Julian with his smug little smile.

Peyton just points out that she does not follow the "girl code," and is therefore a bitch.

I want to smack number 23.

We think this is an airport bar.

Oh snap number 23. You's a bitch and you're takin a seat. HA! Suck on that!

Van der Beek has never made a "quality" movie. This is true on so many levels.
Lucas is a jackass and he gave Van der Beek the amo to get this film.

Awwwww I want to give Dan a hug!

There is WAY too much Mia/Chase in this show.

Peyton's nails are SO gross!

"It means we're going steady."

"oh my god, he's got moobs."

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Child Protective Services

We're going to call Jack Daniels Vodka Tonic.

WTF Peyton?! Are you gonna have like sextuplets?!

What does Sam know about dates??

Why are Hayley and Nathan so creepy?

Wait, so Peyton is implying that Brooke will never have a baby?! "I know you wanted to have the baby..." THE baby? Like there's only one?!

Mouth! You are so mean!

Mia writes shitty music.

OMG Stephen Colletti is so fat.

He looks like a poor man's Joey Tribiani.

Kate Voegele is not smooth nor a good actress.

Brooke just threw a box of clothes at Peyton, clearly trying to kill her unborn demon spawn.

"That's really hard to hear for historical reasons..."

A. will break his back!

I hate Peyton.

Uh oh, Millie's about to get bitch slapped.

WAIT, this episode is directed by CMM!? Oh, God.

Is CMM an even worse actor now that he's directing??

It's your fault Mouth!! It's yoooooooour fault!!

Why are they sleeping in CMM and Peyton's bed??

Good work on calling Peyton out on her freakazoidness.


For the record, we all heard "God, I love those tits." Not "God, I love first dates."

Oh, Vodka sad.

This is so awkward. The bebes are way better.

Mark Schwann, you're so emo.



There's no "off" button on Travis!!

God, Julian is just as annoying as Peyton. "What was this!?"

Peyton is not going to be a superhero. She is going be the worst mother EVER.

"I hope their kids are going to be enemies!!"

Thank GOD, Van der Beek is back! This man is pure talent.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Things a momma don't know? Worst episode title ever?

Biggest disappointment of the year already!

"I like that when you look at Mouth in profile, it looks like he's been hit in the face with a shovel."

What's his face's brother is REALLY creepy.

AVOID THE 405 is the best the could do to make it appear that Lucas is in LA? Really?!

CMM also looks like he's been hit in the face with a shovel. What happened to his nose?!

This person who Lucas is meeting with, is clearly not a Hollywood studio head. Why is his office panneled? Why is he drinking scotch in the middle of the day?!


Jack is totally poor man's Paul Danno.

That duct tape was next to a golf tee!

Jack Daniel's brother's name is X Daniel's. Really?!

Apparently having a potted palm tree on the patio means they are in Los Angeles.
Oh sweet baby Jesus, is he going to ask Lucas to direct this movie?! Lucas CAN NOT JUST DIRECT A MOVIE!

I want to know why number 23 is in the B leagues and didn't go straight to the NBA? Suckaaaaaaa

Awwwww Mouth and Millie are so adorable. Millie's gonna tell him she totally boned what's his face....Owen. Gross.

I wish Peyton had cancer instead of a baby.

This guy is a fucking child molester! I AM AFRAID OF HIM!

Nathan has a vagina.

Somebody needs to run somebody over.
oh Stephen Coletti, why did you have to go and get fat? You were so hot, then you went to SF State for like a second and a half. Then you came back to Laguna Beach, and got fat.




No, really? That's the best job they could come up with for him?!

You go angry Brooke. This is the best OTH fight ever. Even better than when crazy Derrek came and attacked Peyton and brought Peyton and Brooke back together as friends.

Oh hell no. Chase and that musician girl, Mia.
Oh God, she's only 18?!

I HATE PEYCUS. and we hate that demon baby.
If it's a boy it's going to be Keith, if it's a girl it'll be Ellie, and we will all vomit.