Wednesday, November 12, 2008

In this week's episode:
Hayley deals with stage fright. Thank God that creepy bra on the outside dress was just a dream.
Sam makes Brooke breakfast.
Millicent finds Gigi in Mouth's bed. Mouth slept on the couch, Millie is still pissed with good reason.
Nathan plays a not funny joke.
Hayley is not looking forward the USO show.

Lucas is creepy when he sleeps.
Peyton is a creepy sleep watcher. Then she's mad that Lucas isn't all "not ok" with her past relationship with Julian.

Patricia from the adoption agency calls Brooke re: the placement of a newborn.

Lucus punches Julian in the face!
Hayley has another dress where her bra is on the outside.

Orvell is Chester's imaginary friend.

Why is Lucas so creepy?!

Nathan is upset that Jamie has an imaginary friend, then imaginary Q appears.

Gigi is a whore.

Millie and Mouth still haven't had sex.

Why are Sam and Peyton still yelling? They're inside a tent now.

Q is still imaginarily there.

The return of Mia. Oh Kate Vogiouasdfal who can't act her way out of a paperbag.

Where did all those people come from!?
Are they still in Tree Hill?

Peyton wears something ugly and kinda slutty. So, you know usual Peyton wear.

Do any of these people still remember who Hayley is?

Why is everybody yelling?!

Julian wants to talk to Lucas, so he tries to go through Peyton.

I hate the musical interludes on this show. They take away from the actual storyline.

Lucas tries to dig from Brooke the Julian story.

How did NO ONE know about Peyton and Julian?!

Lucas needs to stop being so damn emo.


If I wanted to see Kate Voguel in concert I would buy a ticket to see her. I don't want to see her in concert, as herself or as Mia.

I hate Gigi
Brooke's dress is REALLY short.
Nobody looks excited to be at this show.

Nathan all pissed at Q for not showing up at the River Court when he was DEAD.
dead/imaginary Q is mad because Nathan gets a second chance.

Lucas gets schooled in the ways of contracts.

apparently there's more to life than basketball.
Everytime he gets to hold Hayley (which is never)...

Peanut fell asleep in her magic blanket.

Ugh. Angels and Airwaves.

Millie totally calls Gigi out and tells her what's up.
It looks like Gigi might be the new crazy stalker on the show.

Brooke's dress is REALLY short! I bet everyone in the front row could see up her dress when she and Peyton announced Anges and Airwaves. By the way, Tom DeLong is a douche and was always better as part of Blink 182.

Apparently no one in Tree Hill understands how contracts work. Peyton thinks even though Lucas signed over the rights to his book that Julian can't just "take it away " from him.
Actually Peyton, that's exactly what it means you retard.

I hate Gigi. I do not trust her.

Peyton needs to convince Lucas to make the movie with Julian.

Nathan is going to set the house on fire. What's with the pan flute music?
Why don't Nathan and Hayley ever have sex?

More Angels and Airwaves?! I hate them. Why did they get two songs when everyone else only got one?

Why is Brooke calling back the adoption agency at like midnight?

Oh....Nathan and Hayley are going to have sex! Woah, Q showing up when they're goin to bone. Talk about creepy.

Next week: WTF? Written by CMM? Gross. OTH continues to jump the shark.

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