Wednesday, October 22, 2008

mouthing off.

I once saw Mouth at a Tyler Hilton show. He is so insanely short, it's mind-boggling. He also has a large jaw.

I'd hit it.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

This show makes me want to kill myself

Why Dan Scott is Tiny's new favorite person.

Because he pulls up at Jamie's school, confronts the stupid bitch of a mother of the kid who pulled Jamie's cape and all but threatens to murder her.

Way to go Grandpa Dan.
You can buy me Ice Cream for breakfast any day :) Just don't murder me in a high school hallway. Please?

Why Nathan and Hayley need to bang more

1) Because Baby Jamie is adorable (they should have another Baby Jamie).
2) Because they are married.
3) Because they're hot. (OK, Nathan is hot and probably looks good naked. We're not so sure about Hayley.)
4) Because we're tired for Lupus banging.
5) Because capes are awesome.
6) Hayley needs to stop whining about music and just bone Nathan already.
7) Baby Jamie got "six girls digits."
8) Because they both spend too much time sleeping with their child. They are ADULTS.

Sub topic: Why Mouth is our new favorite character:

1) Millicent is the best person on this show.
2) The return of Gigi was pretty amazing (so she's bi now? So much for purity)
3) He's really muscular now (working out much?)
4) He boned a cougar.
5) He lives with Skills, Junk, Dump Truck and Boner (wait, wasn't Boner on Growing Pains?!!)

Sub topic 2: Why we hate Lupus or Peycus

1) Peyton is the most annoying, self centered character on this show.
2) Peyton's nails are disgusting.
3) Lucas is too fucking emo.
4) Peyton is the worst best friend in the world.
5) Lindsey was way better.
6) Peyton likes The Cure.
7) Lucas hates The Cure.
8) Why didn't Peyton know that Lucas hates The Cure?!
9) Why didn't Peyton know that Lucas' favorite breakfast is French Toast?!