Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Placenta Minivan

It's been awhile, but this episode we learned that Peyton's mysterious pregnancy illness is Placenta Previa (turns out this is a real illness, but tiny's first reaction was "Placenta Minivan?!)

At Oppenheimer doesn't offer sports or research. It is clearly the worst school ever. Nathan calls the kids "Matholes" which is totally appropriate.

Tiny calls that Nathan will fix up the Comet in Keith's old garage, Peyton will die, and then Lucas will drive off into the sunset in the fixed up car.

Oh Skills. You do not have skills with Social Security Cards. Guess he has to pay for his tattoos somehow.

"We could meet up somewhere like....Cochella during Spring Break."



Oh Daphne Zuniga, you are the worst mother ever.

"No, Bonnaroo, we go every year." "It's AWESOME."

Kate is very happy that Jack and Sam are an item now.

"Ugh. Tom's Shoes are SO ugly. I would rather have NO shoes than Tom's shoes." - Tiny

Baby Jamie thinks he should get to pick where he goes to school. He too wants to continue to stunt his educational growth.

Oh Snap Brooke Davis. 51%

What the hell is with all of Nathan's teammates? They all have major stank attitude. No wonder they all play for a crap team. They have no sportsmanship.

Insert Gettin it done montage. Set to Kate Vogel.

"Yeah, you can put your foot there and drive." - Kate

That dad and his kid just ran the hell away when Jamie came over with flowers.

Oh, Mouth and Millie's relationship just got about as emo as Lucas.

Step 1: Fix up the Comet in Keith's old garage. Check.